Cat Walks Straight into a Carrier and Never Looks Back, Turns Out He’s the Chillest Cat Ever

A stray cat walked right into a carrier and never looked back. He turned out to be the chillest cat ever.

stray cat orange

Dwight aka MiloDonna @feralcatcolony

An orange cat was found abandoned at a property. Donna, who rescues and assists local community cats, noticed the new face and tried to get him to safety. The cat escaped into the horizon and never returned until one Saturday.

The cat resurfaced on the porch at the property, bolder and hungrier than ever. “I was so happy to see him. I quickly went to my car to get the carrier I had been carrying for a week,” Donna said.

She placed the carrier on the porch while the cat watched her closely, showing no sign of fear.

rescued cat carrier

He walked straight into the carrier, ready to leave the streetsDonna @feralcatcolony

Donna grabbed a handful of food and tossed it into the carrier. Without hesitation, the cat walked inside, ready to leave the street life behind. He lay in the carrier as he headed to a new beginning where food and comfort abound.

Donna set up a safe space for the cat named Dwight, filled his food dish to the brim, and provided a cozy nest for him to get some shut-eye.

cat happy indoors

Donna @feralcatcolony

Dwight was so grateful to be indoors. He looked at his people with soulful eyes and filled the room with his rumbling purrs. “I kept telling him he was safe now with me. He trusted me already.”

After a long day, he nestled in his bed and fell fast asleep. “I could tell he was exhausted. No doubt he had the best rest that night.”

orange cat indoors

He was so happy to be indoorsDonna @feralcatcolony

The vet team estimated Dwight to be three years old, and everyone was amazed by his laid-back, easygoing personality. Dwight was delighted to be handled and held and constantly wanted to be near people.

Donna hoped to find a family who would love and spoil him endlessly. Little did she know that the perfect family was not far from where they were.

cat cuddling in arms

Dwight found his forever family. It was love at first sightDonna @feralcatcolony

A friend reached out as his daughter’s family was looking to adopt a cat. Donna immediately thought of Dwight, who seemed to get along with anyone. When the family met the cat, the excitement was through the roof.

Bre, Josh, and their children fawned over Dwight, who gladly allowed pets and cuddles. He’s the king of “no worries” and has such calm energy about him.

chill cat sleeping couch

He is now Milo and has quickly settled into his new home@feralcatcolony

Dwight curled up in Josh’s arms and decided to nap right then and there. He fit perfectly into the big family.

“Josh held Dwight like a baby while I showed Bre how to trim his nails. He chilled in his arms and let me trim each one. He’s a real great boy who deserves all this love.”

cat dog best friends

Milo and his canine friend, Millie@feralcatcolony

Dwight, now Milo, quickly settled into his new abode and befriended the cat-friendly resident dog, Millie, who is equally laid-back.

Milo has been a wonderful addition to his family, keeping everyone company while he naps.

cat snuggly little human


“He’s also acquired the nickname Moo Moo. It’s actually fitting because he’s so chill, and his favorite things are eating like a cow and taking naps,” Bre shared.

sweet smily sleeping cat

Milo is always happy and loves to nap@feralcatcolony

Milo enjoys lounging around all day and sharing the couch with his people, living the good life he’s always wanted.

sleeping cat couch

Living the dream life@feralcatcolony

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