Kitten Hitched a Ride and Ended Up in Parking Lot, Days Later She Radiates So Much Joy and Energy

A kitten hitched a ride and ended up in a parking lot. Now two weeks later, she radiates so much joy and energy.

cute kitten pounce eyes

Acorn the kittenAimee @_catz4life_

Late last month, a kitten was brought into a veterinary clinic, needing urgent help. A Good Samaritan had found her in a parking lot with an injured leg.

Her records indicate that “she accidentally hitched a ride on a car carrier (trailer)” and traveled across state lines. “X-rays showed her femur was broken, and amputation was the best course of action,” Aimee, a director of Be Their Voice Animal Rescue, shared with Love Meow.

Prior to the surgery, staff took the time to see the kitten, who immediately greeted them with an outpouring of affection.

sweet stretching paws kitten

She stretched her toes whenever she was with the staffAimee @_catz4life_

“She was found on a Tuesday and had surgery on Thursday. The vet clinic kept us fully informed every step of the way. She was so sweet from day one – the updates from the vet clinic were all of a sweet, purring, biscuit-making little baby.”

Everyone fell head over heels for the resilient two-pound warrior named Acorn.

sweet kitten snuggled

Aimee @_catz4life_

Adorned with an e-collar, Acorn immediately sought solace in Aimee when she arrived in her care. She was provided with a safe place to rest and recuperate, and boundless food to devour all day.

“At eight weeks old, it’s hard to keep a kitten from ‘kittening’. I would let her out of the cone to eat and get a little bit of supervised cone-free playtime.”

kitten cone eating

She kneaded away with her paws while she ateAimee @_catz4life_

Aimee was stunned by how quickly Acorn had adjusted to living with just three legs. “She was so fast and not at all bothered by the fact that she lost a leg.”

“You would never think (except for the obvious surgical site) that she had just had surgery. She is energetic, playful, so sweet and loving, and just a general joyful kitten.”

kitten playful paws

Acorn loves her ball toysAimee @_catz4life_

Like a true trooper, Acorn took her meds in stride and didn’t make a fuss about putting her cone back on or returning to the enclosure to rest.

Whenever she was given playtime and affection, she would transform into a purring, paw-kneading dynamo, her contented rumble echoing through the room.

sweet kitten playful

She’s quickly adjusted to playing and running around with three legsAimee @_catz4life_

The mere glimpse of a ball ignited a spark within her. She launched herself towards the toy, unleashing a flurry of bunny-kicks with her single hind leg.

“Nothing is going to hold her back.”

playful kitten paws

Aimee @_catz4life_

After two weeks of nourishment and respite, Acorn graduated from her cone and got her stitches removed. She was ready to take on the world with unhindered curiosity and playful abandon.

“She has the sweetest disposition. She loves to be held and look out the window, purring and making biscuits,” Aimee told Love Meow.

kitten playful stretching paws

Aimee @_catz4life_

In between her toy-chasing adventures, Acorn seeks out the company of her foster mom, craving the warmth of affection and connection.

kitten eyeing on ball

Aimee @_catz4life_

“She will stand below my chair and meow with her tiny little voice, advising that she shall be picked up now. She has the cutest little chirp when she plays, like she’s talking to her toys.”

kitten playful ball

Aimee @_catz4life_

Acorn is always ready for a good time, finding amusement in every corner of her toy-filled room.

“She’s met the resident cats and wasn’t phased by the size difference or the sniff interrogations.”

kitten playful leg

Aimee @_catz4life_

With her tail held high and a purr that could rumble the walls, Acorn spreads laughter and delight wherever she goes.

“She’s a dream baby and her adopter is going to be so lucky.”

sweet acorn kitten toy

Aimee @_catz4life_

Share this story with your friends. More on Acorn and Be Their Voice Animal Rescue on Instagram @_catz4life_ and @fostercatsfordays.

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