Cat Moved Her Kittens to Hide in Brush and Walked Up to Neighbor as She was Ready for Change

A cat moved her kittens to hide in the brush and walked up to a neighbor as she was ready for change.

kitten lap snuggles


A stray cat with thumbs on both of her front paws was spotted in a neighborhood. She walked up to a resident asking for help. The tuxedo turned out to have given birth to six kittens and needed a safe place to raise them.

She had moved her litter into the brush in the yard to keep them safe. The kittens were huddled up in a makeshift nest made of twigs and leaves, hidden away in the undergrowth.

With their eyes opened, they waddled around as if they were trying to venture outside.

stray cat thumbs

Thumbs was found outside as a stray@puppykittynycity

No one came to claim the cat and her kittens. The finder reached out to their local animal rescue, Puppy Kitty NY City, hoping to get them all into a safe home.

A volunteer of the rescue immediately responded to the finder’s plea and went to pick up the mom and her young. The kittens were safely retrieved from the yard and placed in a carrier.

kittens brush hidden

The cat had brought her kittens to a yard and hidden them in the brush@puppykittynycity

The cat mom walked inside the crate to be next to her kittens as if she was ready to be off the streets once and for all.

Wendy and AJ, foster volunteers of the rescue, stepped up to the plate when they learned that the family of seven needed a home. They welcomed them into their care and set up a comfy, quiet space for the mom to raise her litter.

kittens cat carrier

They were rescued and on their way to indoor life@puppykittynycity

“Mama was quite nervous when they first got her, but after coming to me, she’s opened up a lot and is very sweet,” Wendy and AJ shared with Love Meow.

The cat lovingly named Thumbs has quickly grown to adore the company of people. She feels at ease with a roof over her head and good food to fill her belly.

kittens cat bed

All six kittens were checking out their new bed in their foster home@kitterklub

She’s done a marvelous job keeping her kittens safe and fed against the harsh elements of the outdoors. Now, she’ll never have to worry about where her next meal will come from.

“She is very sweet and loving to her kittens. Even from the day we got her, the kittens looked to be very well fed and clean.”

cat nursing kitten

Thumbs settled beautifully into her new space@kitterklub

Despite having plenty of blankets and towels at her disposal, Thumbs has chosen an unorthodox spot to nurse her six – under the TV stand to be near her humans.

If she needs assistance, she isn’t shy of inquiring for a helping hand.

cat nursing kittens

She decided to nurse her kittens under the TV stand instead of her comfy nursery@kitterklub

The kittens (Rye, Baguette, Pumpernickel, Brioche, Ciabatta and Bun) are growing by leaps and bounds with their ravenous appetites.

They are entering the rambunctious kitten stage in which they scamper and pounce on each other with unbridled energy while sharpening their feline prowess.

tuxedo kitten


“Since there are six kittens altogether, they love playing with each other, otherwise they are all napping either on the couch or on the blankets I put out for them.”

The kittens are fascinated by all the new cat toys as well as various napping options: cat beds, the couch, blankets, warm laps and so on.

kitten on weight scale


Thumbs is content as can be now that she has a trusty foster family to look after her and babysit her young. She can take a break from the demanding six and enjoy some me-time doing what she loves.

sleeping kitten tabby


Thumbs and her kittens are loving their new life as indoor kitties and thriving in foster care. In a few weeks, they will be ready to look for their forever homes where they will be adored endlessly.

sweet calico kitten nose


Share this story with your friends. More on Thumbs and her kittens and Puppy Kitty NY City on Instagram @puppykittynycity and Facebook and Wendy and AJ’s fosters @kitterklub.

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