Two Kittens Seek Help Together, One of Them Appears Blind But Days Later They Discover He Can See

Two kittens sought help together. One of them appeared blind, but days later they discovered he could see.

kitten eyes tuxedo

Bamm-BammJamie @thekittensfoster

Two kittens were brought into an animal shelter without a mother. They were three weeks old with fuzzy coats. One of them appeared to be blind with cloudiness in his eyes.

They were in desperate need of a foster home. When members of Baby Kitten Rescue learned about their plight, they didn’t hesitate to take them in.

Jamie, who volunteers for the rescue, welcomed the pair into her care. “I couldn’t be more in love with them already,” she said.

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Bamm-Bamm and PebblesJamie @thekittensfoster

Shortly after arriving, the feline siblings waddled and explored around their new space before cozying up together for a nap.

The two kittens were inseparable from the start. “Pebbles is such an outgoing girl, and I have already noticed her keeping a close eye on her brother, Bamm-Bamm (the one with cloudy eyes).”

tuxedo kitten bottle feeding

Jamie @thekittensfoster

“She acts like a caretaker and is always cuddling up against him and following him around. I can tell these two will be bonded for life.”

Jamie nourished the pair around the clock and provided fluids when needed, to keep them hydrated. After being treated for some tummy troubles, the kittens started to make good gains, and their energy levels soared.

sweet panther kitten cat

Pebbles is very outgoingJamie @thekittensfoster

At 4-5 weeks old, they were about the size of 2-week-old kittens. “It has become evident to me that their growth is stunted, which is common with special needs kittens. They’re healthy otherwise and gaining weight, just at a slower rate.”

The two depended on each other and insisted on being close at all times.

sweet tuxedo kitten eyes

Jamie @thekittensfoster

“They are definitely bonded, so much so that when one of them isn’t in the playpen with the other, they scream endlessly,” Jamie shared with Love Meow.

“The moment they’re back together, all is well. They are always side by side or huddled together.”

kittens best friends

They are inseparable and share an adorable bondJamie @thekittensfoster

About two weeks into foster care, Jamie noticed something extraordinary from Bamm-Bamm. He started to trace her hand and even attempted to grab it when she waved it in front of him.

“Since the day we got the Flintstones babies, the director had us begin administrating two different eye drops twice a day to see if they would help his eyesight before seeing an Ophthalmologist,” Jamie shared.

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About two weeks into care, Jamie noticed that Bamm-Bamm could see a littleJamie @thekittensfoster

“Bamm’s eyes have started to look less foggy and it has become evident that he can see (a little).”

Despite being underdeveloped, both kittens are on track to hitting milestones. They have figured out how to use the litter box on their own with ease and can eat solid food like champs.

sweet fluffy black kitten

Jamie @thekittensfoster

Last week, Bamm-Bamm went to see a specialist with his sister Pebbles by his side for emotional support. “She joined because they are inseparable.”

He was officially diagnosed with superficial corneal ulcers. “The doctor thinks that Bamm-Bamm had an infection before his eyes opened. Regardless of what caused it, Bamm-Bamm is expected to make a full recovery and restore vision in both eyes.”

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Jamie @thekittensfoster

Bamm-Bamm will continue his eye drops for another week. He is getting increasingly playful and inquisitive about the world around him.

“I’m always amazed at how adaptable and resilient kittens are in dire conditions. With the right care, they can heal quickly and be restored to a healthy state.”

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Jamie @thekittensfoster

The two best friends enjoy sharing lap time together, snuggling up to one another without a care in the world. “They are perfect, beautiful and unique. All they want, like any other living being, is love.”

snuggly kittens best friends

Jamie @thekittensfoster

Share this story with your friends. More on Bamm-Bamm and Pebbles and Jamie’s fosters on Instagram @thekittensfoster and Baby Kitten Rescue @babykittenrescue.

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