Cat Comes Up to Kind Person Outside Her Work and Curls Up in Her Arms, Wanting to Be Taken in

A cat came up to a kind person outside her work and curled up in her arms, wanting to be taken in.

sweet cuddly lap cat

ChesterSparkle Cat Rescue

A volunteer of Sparkle Cat Rescue came across a friendly stray cat near her work. She noticed that he had many battle scars on his face and was very eager to be loved.

He would wait outside the office as if to ask to be let in. The weather was getting worse by the day, so with the support of her rescue, they brought the cat in and lovingly named him Chester.

“He wanted to come inside so badly and followed people around meowing, begging for love,” Sparkle Cat Rescue shared on social media.

stray cat asking help

Chester showed up outside a business asking for helpSparkle Cat Rescue

“On the day he was rescued it started snowing, and we just couldn’t wait any longer. He was showing signs of an upper respiratory illness. He enjoyed his first night indoors. He was so grateful for this new chance at life.”

They took him to the vet to be evaluated and started looking for a long-term foster home for the sweet boy.

stray cat lap snuggles

Sparkle Cat Rescue

“He was a smushy baby through the (vet) appointment, and we were even more in love with him.”

Chester was estimated to be 6-8 years old at the time. He was treated for infections and was overdue on a full dental as he had a few teeth that needed to be extracted.

cuddly stray cat

Sparkle Cat Rescue

After a week of healing, Chester felt much better and stronger and was eating like a champ.

“There is no telling how long he was homeless on the street. He can’t tell us what his past story is. We’d love to be able to write his future story.”

smiley cat chester

Sparkle Cat Rescue

Chester was over the moon to have a safe and comfy place to nestle in and food in his bowl. “He will never have to beg to be inside where he definitely belongs.”

“When Chester first came to us he would not lay on a cat pillow or bed. He preferred the floor or a blanket.” Now, he loves snuggling in all the soft things.

sweet cat chester

Sparkle Cat Rescue

Crystal Wilvers, a volunteer of the rescue, learned about Chester looking for a foster home and offered to help. But it was her daughter who fell head over heels for the gray tabby.

“My daughter and I saw a picture of him, and she wanted him immediately,” Crystal shared with Love Meow.

lap cat happy chester

Sparkle Cat Rescue

Chester stayed in the daughter’s room until he recuperated. Once he was ready for a meet-and-greet with the resident cats, Pretty and Cleo, they quickly accepted Chester as if he had always been part of their crew.

Chester truly blossomed in his new home, and they made him a permanent part of their family. “My daughter knew she wanted to keep him from the start.”

beautiful cat stray chester

Sparkle Cat Rescue

Soon after Chester was adopted, Crystal brought home a pair of foster kittens, Frick and Frack. Chester immediately took a liking to them and decided to be their mentor. He showed them the ropes and taught them how to be a cat.

Frick aka Baby was especially close to Chester and followed him everywhere around the house.

cats snuggling

Chester and his best friend BabyCrystal Wilvers

When it was time for adoption, the family realized that they couldn’t separate Baby from her best friend. “He would groom her, and they would do everything together, so we wanted to keep them together,” Crystal told Love Meow.

Now, the two enjoy lying in the sunbeams, cuddling with each other and watching birds by the window.

best friends cats

They do everything togetherCrystal Wilvers

Chester relishes shoulder rides around the house and looking out the window from his cat tree. “When he sees us pull in (the driveway), he jumps down and comes to the door to greet us.”

“He acts like a mature, laid-back gentleman until he gets the zoomies or he realizes you will play with him. Then he acts like a teenager and horses around.”

sweet cat tongue chester

Sparkle Cat Rescue

“He likes to sleep on our beds. He rotates whose bed he sleeps on, but he does love a nice cozy blanket.”

Chester showed up outside a work place seeking help one day, and now he’s living the best life with a beautiful family that adores him to pieces.

cat gray sweet

Chester is living the best lifeCrystal Wilvers

Share this story with your friends. More on Sparkle Cat Rescue on Instagram @sparklecatrescue and Facebook.

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