Cat was Returned Multiple Times and Became Stray, Rescuers Look into Her History, Find Perfect Place for Her

A cat was returned multiple times and became stray. Rescuers looked into her history and found the perfect place for her.

farm barn cat

Monica the catSickler’s Circle View Farm

A volunteer of Community Cat Club, a cat rescue in South Jersey, came across a friendly stray in their neighborhood last year. The cat didn’t belong to anyone there, so they brought her in and were able to locate a microchip.

“We knew she had been adopted from a shelter, but we were unable to get in contact with her previous owner,” Community Cat Club shared with Love Meow.

After attempting to reach the owner but to no avail, the cat named Monica was put up for adoption. She quickly stood out with her larger-than-life personality and was adventurous, social and full of energy.

stray cat found

She was found outside as a stray last yearCommunity Cat Club

In no time, Monica was adopted, but despite their best efforts to help her acclimate, things began to turn south. Monica who was in excellent health, started to display a slew of behavioral issues.

The adopters tried various ways to accommodate her, but nothing seemed to help win her over.

stray cat playful

Community Cat Club

“They tried for almost a year but she had so many behavioral issues in the home, so they ended up returning her to us,” Sara Sharp, president of Community Cat Club, shared with Love Meow.

Sara decided to dig deep into Monica’s history, in the hopes of finding clues that might explain her behavioral problems.

snuggly stray cat monica

Community Cat Club

“We were able to get in contact with the shelter she was originally from and get more information this time and found out she was returned numerous times for litter box/behavioral issues.”

Monica wouldn’t use the litter box and would constantly try to sneak out of the house. While she was inside, her friendly personality faded.

farm cat monica

Sickler’s Circle View Farm

“Our goal is to place cats in indoor homes but the reality is that’s not for every cat. It was clear Monica wanted to be outside, but she was still social and wanted human interaction.”

Sara went on the lookout for a place where Monica would be happy, well cared for and have the attention from people that she desired.

farm cat monica

Sickler’s Circle View Farm

Through a friend, Sara learned about a local farm that was seeking a “social barn cat”. Right away, she knew Monica would be the one for them.

Monica arrived at the Sickler’s Circle View Farm right around the one-year mark of when she was rescued by the volunteer. She immediately sauntered up to people with confidence and explored around the place as if she owned it.

farm cat boss monica

Sickler’s Circle View Farm

“She was adopted in April and she is thriving. She gets all the attention she wants from her new family in addition to all of their customers that come and shop their farm store.”

Monica loves her new life being a fixture at the shop and running the farm alongside her humans. She enjoys greeting customers, patrolling the property with her tail held high and sunbathing under the warm rays.

working cat monica

She loves greeting customers at the farm shopSickler’s Circle View Farm

“This is an excellent fit for her. We love Monica and all of her quirks,” Rachel of Sickler’s Circle View Farm shared in an Instagram comment.

After two years of being in and out of homes, Monica has found her happily ever after. Not only does she bring joy to her family but also every person she meets.

farm cat monica

Sickler’s Circle View Farm

Share this story with your friends. More cats and kittens at Community Cat Club on Instagram @communitycatclub and Facebook.

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