Kitten Isn’t Growing Until Kind Person Takes Her on, Turns Out She Fits Right into Their Home

A kitten wasn’t growing until a kind person took her on. As it turned out, she fit right into their home.

calico kitten tiny

Adele the kittenBestFriends Felines

A litter of kittens arrived at Best Friends Felines, a cat rescue in Brisbane, when they were around seven weeks old. Among them, there was a calico who was exceptionally small compared to the rest of the litter.

She was nearly half the size she was supposed to be and didn’t show the same vitality as her siblings. “It soon became evident that something was wrong as she was failing to thrive and not putting on any weight,” Nikki, president of Best Friends Felines, shared.

“Even after a number of days in care, she was weighing almost 200 grams less than her closest littermate.”

sleeping calico kitten

She was much smaller than her siblingsBestFriends Felines

Nikki took on the calico and provided lots of good food and supportive care to help her thrive. She named the kitten Adele for the powerful voice that she possessed as a tiny youngling.

“The moment she couldn’t see someone she would scream out.”

tiny calico kitten

Nikki started feeding her around the clock with supportive careBestFriends Felines

Around the time when Nikki met Adele, her beloved calico cat, Chyna, of 21.5 years sadly passed away. Nikki was grieving her loss when the little calico kitten came into her life.

Despite being so small, Adele was equipped with a set of pipes that easily persuaded Nikki to stay by her side.

sweet calico kitten

Adele wanted to be close to her foster mom at all timesBestFriends Felines

While Nikki tirelessly nursed the calico, hoping to get her back on track, she found comfort in the little ball of fur.

At her first vet visit, Adele was unwell with a suspected Liver Shunt, and her future was uncertain. After weeks of painstaking care and plenty of TLC from her foster mom, she started to make good gains.

adorable calico kitten adele

BestFriends Felines

By the time Adele returned for a checkup, she impressed the veterinary staff with her improvements. She nearly doubled her weight and even gained a little rotund belly.

Nikki was over the moon to see Adele getting better and stronger, catching up in size. In the weeks that followed, the sweet calico continued to wriggle her way deeper into Nikki’s heart.

sweet calico kitten

She started making good gains and surprised the vet with her improvementsBestFriends Felines

Adele insisted on napping on her favorite person, following Nikki around like her little shadow.

“Turns out she never made it up for adoption as she fit into our home like it was meant to be,” Nikki shared. “Adele is well loved by our other cats and plays a great role in helping our foster kitties.”

calico sleeping kitten snuggly

Every day Adele wriggled deeper into Nikki’s heartBestFriends Felines

The once pint-sized wonder has defied the odds and blossomed into a gorgeous cat with a beautiful, sweet-natured temperament and so much to give.

Adele is all grown up and looking stunning. “She is also the proud owner of an amazingly fluffy tail that we joke could be used as a feather duster.”

beautiful fluffy calico cat

Adele is all grown up nowBestFriends Felines

“She has perfected the art of sleeping in, loves digging in the toy box for which toy she wants to play with that day and spreading them out for the foster kitties to play with, and has wonderful little chirps and trills that we love.”

calico cat fluffy tail

She has blossomed into a beautiful cat with a stunningly fluffy tailBestFriends Felines

Nikki took in the little calico who needed her care, but little did she know that she needed the kitten just as much.

beautiful calico cat adele

BestFriends Felines

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