A tiny 2 day old kitten was found by a puppy in the field behind an apartment building. He was stuck under a log. “Opie (the pup) refused to leave him, and before you knew it we had a kitten,” said Lia via imgur.

Photos by Lia Spilka.
They were worried about the kitten due to the condition he was in, so took him to an animal clinic for an emergency vet visit. After getting help from the vet and a very needed bath, the tiny kitten finally turned around.
They named him Roscoe and took him in and gave him a second chance at life.
At around 10 days, he began to open his eyes!

Photos by Lia Spilka.
Snuggling with his puppy friend Opie who saved him. Roscoe is very close to his canine friend and Opie adores his little kitten.

Photos by Lia Spilka.
Lia cared for the kitten round the clock over many sleepless nights.

Photos by Lia Spilka.
Roscoe enjoys some belly rubs.

Photos by Lia Spilka.
Kitty has made a lot of friends in the house.

Photos by Lia Spilka.
But his favorite is always Opie.

Photos by Lia Spilka.
Best of friends

Photos by Lia Spilka.
Roscoe 16 weeks old. Healthy, happy and very loved.

Photos by Lia Spilka.
Kitty all grown up with his best buddy!

Photos by Lia Spilka
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