Cat Wanders the Streets for a Long Time Until He Finds Kind Family and Decides He’s Never Leaving Their Home

A cat wandered the streets for a long time until he found a kind family and decided he was never leaving their home.

sweet cat scratcher

Johnny the catRoxanne at CommunityCatClub

A tomcat was found rough around the edges after having braved the streets for some time. Last month, he was rescued and taken to the vet to receive care.

While the team was getting him neutered and fully vetted through the support of Community Cat Club, they noticed irritation around his eyes. “We could tell right away that Johnny needed some extra care. He was also clearly super sweet,” the rescue shared.

Johnny had entropion, a condition in which the eyelid turns inward and rubs against the eye surface. He had been living with discomfort for all his life while trying to survive the outdoors.

stray cat streets

He was found living outside, rough around the edgesCommunityCatClub

Johnny was transported to Providence Animal Center for his corrective surgery to give him a pain-free, quality life that he deserved. “He is a sweet, friendly guy. This handsome man loves attention.”

He was incredibly affectionate towards volunteers and the veterinary staff as if he knew they were helping him.

stray cat rescued

Johnny was rescued and taken to the vetCommunityCatClub

It was clear from the start that he didn’t belong on the streets. Roxanne, who fosters for Community Cat Club, opened her home to Johnny, so he could continue his recovery in a comfortable environment.

“Johnny came from some rough streets, but has not let that harden him. He is a complete love,” Roxanne shared via social media.

stray cat at vet

He had entropion which caused irritation to his eyesCommunityCatClub

Johnny’s appreciation for indoor life was instant as he felt right at home. He turned into an attention-seeker and even climbed on his people for more pets.

While he was recuperating from surgery, Johnny let nothing stop him from interacting with the family, fawning over them every day.

sweet cat snuggly lap

Johnny had corrective surgery and continued his recovery in a loving foster homeRoxanne at CommunityCatClub

He befriended another foster cat named Lynx who had come from a similar background. They would hang out together on the big bed, watch little critters out the window and follow their humans around the house.

Johnny is so delighted to have a roof over his head, food to fill his belly and people to love on that he wants everyone to know about it.

cats friends

Johnny and LynxRoxanne at CommunityCatClub

“He loves attention and answers to all of it. When the day is done and you are ready to binge watch your shows, he is ready too. He can chill like a champ.”

Johnny has really filled out and healed up nicely after a few weeks in foster care.

sweet cat johnny

Roxanne at CommunityCatClub

He no longer has to deal with irritation around his eyes and can fully enjoy being the center of attention.

Despite not having the intention to adopt, with each passing day, the foster family found it increasingly difficult to part with the sweet cat.

sweet cat johnny home

Roxanne at CommunityCatClub

Johnny would snuggle next to them when they watched TV, paw at them for attention, follow them on their heels and supervise them as they went about their day.

“He is playful and has whiskers and personality for days.”

cat friendly paw attention

Roxanne at CommunityCatClub

“He’s never leaving that home. The whole family fell in love with Johnny and his amazing personality,” the rescue shared in an update.

Last week, Johnny officially became a permanent part of the family – a dream come true.

sweet cat asking attention

Johnny has been adopted by his foster familyRoxanne at CommunityCatClub

“Johnny entered our lives on September 3rd. He entered our hearts before we even met him,” Roxanne shared. “He is just happy he gets to stay and hoard all of the toys.”

sleeping happy cat stretching

Happy and lovedRoxanne at CommunityCatClub

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