A brave kitten gave the most adorable “thanks” to a woman for saving her life. Her wish came true last weekend.

Pecan, an adorable cream calico, is a little warrior who has fought the toughest battles. She is fearless, with a strong spirit and a love for cuddles.
She was just a tiny kitten when she was rescued with her feline family. Despite everyone’s best efforts to save them, she was the only one who survived.
She held on for dear life, with her foster mom by her side, determined to live.

Ellen Richter, a foster volunteer with Homeward Bound Cat, supported and cared for Pecan every step of the way.
Even at her weakest, Pecan refused to give up, mustering the strength to seek attention. As soon as she regained some appetite, she began eating more and calling out with a raspy voice, clutching Ellen for comfort.

She weighed only nine ounces, less than half the size she should have been. She had panleukopenia, which has an extremely low survival rate among kittens. Against all odds, Pecan survived and continued to improve. “She is truly a miracle baby,” Ellen shared.
With her appetite growing, she could feed from a bottle instead of needing a syringe.

“She’s acting like a normal kitten. You’d never know she was sick,” Ellen added. “I’m bottle feeding every three hours, and she tends to nurse furiously. She takes a break and goes in for round two.”
Despite her tiny size, Pecan never ceased to amaze her foster mom with what she could do. “She is starting to drink water from her bowls.”

Once Pecan reached one pound, she became more active, showing a keen interest in toys. With her playful spirit coming to life, her feisty nature and “cattitude” started to shine through.
One day, Pecan finally noticed Ellen’s phone. She puffed up her fur, trying to appear twice her size.

Just a few weeks before, Pecan could barely keep her eyes open. Now, with renewed energy, she was eager for attention and play, jumping around and trying to pounce on toys. “She’s extremely active, and the only time I can get her to sit still is in her little ‘cave bed.'”
After each meal, Pecan would gaze at her foster mom with pleading eyes, waiting to be scooped up and cuddled.

“She’s eating and gaining weight, though still on the small side. She’s very sweet, gentle, and playful. She loves getting cuddles and kisses.”
Pecan made a full recovery and blossomed into a cuddle bug. After eating, she’d “thank” her foster mom by resting her head on her shoulder and nuzzling affectionately. Ellen introduced her to the resident cats, who showed her the ropes and kept her entertained with play.

Pecan and her foster mom, EllenEllenRichter
When she was big enough for adoption, Ellen set out to find her the perfect home.
A couple fell in love with the little warrior kitten. When they finally met last weekend, Pecan crawled up to her new mom and rested her head on her shoulder, just as she always did with her foster mom.

It was love at first sight when Pecan met her new momEllenRichter
Pecan purred up a storm as she melted into her new mom’s embrace. She also spent some cuddle time on her new dad’s lap, as if she was right where she belonged.
“Her new family will love and spoil her. She’ll have two older cats to play with.”

Pecan and her new dadEllenRichter
Pecan gave her foster mom some final snuggles and head bumps before embarking on an exciting journey with her forever family.
“She went home with her pastel tunnel, her little white cave bed, and her little cat tree. Lots of good times ahead.”

Share this story with your friends. More on Ellen’s fosters on Instagram and Facebook. More on Homeward Bound Cat on Instagram.