Cat Lying on Patch of Dirt for Days Saved Right Before Thanksgiving, Now Melts into Hands of His People

A cat who had been lying on a patch of dirt for days, was saved right before Thanksgiving. Now, he seeks affection from people and melts into their hands.

sweet cat sleeping

Dreidel the catLittleWanderersNYC

Two days before Thanksgiving, Little Wanderers NYC, received photos and an urgent request about a cat from an anonymous caller.

The photos showed an orange tabby curled up on a patch of dirt all alone. Many people had passed him by but no one stopped to help. “This cat has been lying like this reportedly for over a week,” Little Wanderers NYC shared with Love Meow.

Nora, a volunteer of the rescue, was on the road when she received the plea. She immediately shifted gears and re-routed to find the cat.

stray cat sleeping street

He was found lying on a patch of dirtLittleWanderersNYC

With no specific address provided, Nora used the photos to identify buildings in the neighborhood. She began inquiring about the cat, hoping to get a lead to his whereabouts.

“I heard from multiple people that the orange one was known as the sick one. But it took a week for anyone to call in that he was often near unresponsive on that one patch of dirt,” Nora shared with Love Meow.

stray orange cat street


While she continued her search on one side of a street, she noticed an orange blob hobbling and zigzagging down the distant sidewalk. Her heart pounded with anticipation as she rushed towards the cat.

“It was indeed the cat from the photos.” The friendly tabby, named Dreidel, drew closer to Nora and the can of food in her hand.

stray orange cat lying street


“I could feel his ears were scabbed, his nose and mouth were very lax and pale. His belly was deceptively pudgy and distended next to his very skinny legs and hollow eyes. Every single breath seemed like the hardest work.”

Dreidel was so gentle and affectionate that he just melted as he was carried into the vet’s office. They discovered that he was a senior with few teeth left and had a heart condition that required medication.

sweet snuggly cat

Dreidel was very affectionate at the vet’s officeLittleWanderersNYC

When Dreidel was discharged, he came to stay with Nora who had prepared a warm and cozy space for him.

He showed great interest in food and quickly selected a few of his favorite treats. His eyes lit up when he heard the sound of a jar opening.

sweet snuggly cat


“He doesn’t let me even put his dish down before diving in, usually licking my fingers at the same time. He’s doing really well digesting food and having an appetite.”

Dreidel is overjoyed to have his own plate and room service. He’s spent ample time snoozing as if to catch up on missed sleep.

sweet snuggly cat


“He lets me wipe him with oatmeal cat wipes and purrs so softly but steadily. He is the friendliest cat in spite of all this. He still arches his back for tushy scritches. When you pet his little cheek, he melts into your hand and bumps you to encourage more pets.”

With his newfound strength, last night, Dreidel strolled into Nora’s bedroom for a bit of an exploration.

sweet cuddly cat dreidel


Dreidel savored Thanksgiving, indulging in a day of feasting and snoozing. Two hours past midnight, he got up from his bed and meowed until he received a comforting snuggle.

“When I sat down next to him, he just full-body leaned against me like he wanted me to set up camp next to his bed for a cuddle. Dreidel is a born bed buddy and pillow pal.”

happy snuggly cat

Dreidel is overjoyed to have a warm bed and someone to love on himLittleWanderersNYC

“How he remained so loving in the face of chronic neglect, insecurity, indifference we have no idea. He is a precious gift and a pure soul who should have had the opportunity to be part of a family and spoiled to bits, because he would have spoiled them too with his unreserved affection.”

happy cat orange bed


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